Ammunition - a quantity of bullets
Rifle cartridges also called rounds or bullets are composed of four parts.
Casing - brass cylinder
Primer - ignition compound
Powder - propellant
Bullet - projectile
- not relevant when buying factory cartridges
- measured in grains
- black powder used in muzzleloaders
- Centerfire has primer in the center of casing
- Rimfire has primer compound around the rim of casing
weight - measured in grains
metal composition - lead, copper, or a combination of the two
shape - soft point, hollow point, full metal jacket (fmj), polymer tip
diameter - called caliber measured in inches or mm
Casing (also called “brass”)
- holds the primer, powder, and bullet
- no cartridge
- separately loading powder, bullet, and primer
- only three main calibers; .45, .50, .54
Sabot - plastic seat for bullet that fills the space between the bullet and barrel
and aids in rotating the bullet.
shells, not cartridges
casing - bottom is brass but majority is plastic
primer is the same as centerfire rifle
gun powder is the same as rifles
Wad - plastic that separates powder from projectiles
- nearly all are measured in gauge
Gauge - number of led balls of barrel size that equal one pound
- 10ga, 12ga, 16ga, 20ga, 28ga
.410 measured in inches not gauge
Shot - small bbs that spread out as it travels from the gun
shot size - Biggest is 000, 00, 0, BBB, BB, B, #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7,
#7.5, #8 being smallest for hunting
Single projectile shotshell called slugs
Slugs have different weights measured in ounces
Shotshell length - matches shotgun chamber
- 2 ¾ inches, 3 inches, 3 ½ inches
- Shotgun can shoot shotshell equal to chamber size OR smaller, but not bigger
Tree Stand - elevated platform in a tree
Used to hunt deer, bear, and sometimes elk and turkey
Hang-on Stands - platform and seat mounted in a tree without attached climbing method
Pros: versatile, cheap, mobile (hang and hunt)
Cons: need climbing sticks, screw in steps, or ladder, small platform and seat
Ladder Stand - tree stand with a ladder attached to the platform
Pros: easy to get into, bigger for two people
Cons: can be difficult to set up, not mobile, somewhat limited by tree
Climbing Stand - separate seat and platform portions allowing stand to move up a tree
Pros: very mobile, comfortable
Cons: very limited by tree, potential to drop platform
Tree Stand Tips
Don’t use a tree stand without wearing safety harness
Buy one good quality safety harness
Buy one good quality seat cushion
Check every stand every year (release and re-tighten ratchet straps)
Rotate every stand every three years
Ground Blind - structure used to conceal a hunter’s ambush location on the ground
Used to hunt deer, bear, antelope, ducks, geese, doves, turkeys, and elk
Natural Blinds - using natural materials to build a concealment structure
Pros: can be made very easily, look natural, cheap
Cons: can be very tough to make, not mobile, no roof
Synthetic Blinds - pre made blind made of synthetic materials
Pop Up Blinds - foldable fabric blinds
Pros: lightweight, mobile, versatile, roof
Cons: small, not durable, can get hot in direct sunlight, don’t look good without brushing
Box Blind - wood or plastic box
Pros: very durable, weather proof, can be large enough for need, customizable, versatile
Cons: not mobile, heavy, expensive, don’t look natural without brushing
Lay Out Blind - ground blind designed to allow hunter to shoot upward from laying down position
Pros: work very well
Cons: very specific purpose (waterfowl)
Elevated Blind - box blind mounted on an elevated platform
Pros: durable, customizable, great for kids
Cons: heavy, expensive, hard to set up (machinery), different window layout needed for firearms
and archery hunting
Ground Blind Tips
Buy one good quality swivel seat
Get blind bigger than you think you need
Find good deals on ground blinds and tree stands after hunting season
Get Creative
Homework: get creative with tree stand and ground blind placement
Types of Firearms
Rifle - single projectile with rifling (grooves inside barrel)
Shotgun - multiple projectiles (shot), can be used single projectile (slugs)
Muzzleloader - rifle loaded from the muzzle (powder
Pistol (handgun) - modified rifles to be small and used with one hand
Parts of a gun
Barrel - metal tube that directs bullet, contains ammunition info
Stock - wooden or plastic handle
Forend - separate forward section of stock
Breech plug - plug in the breech end of a muzzleloader
Ramrod - rod used to push bullet from muzzle to breech in a muzzleloader
Trigger - finger operated mechanism firing a weapon
Safety - mechanism preventing the gun from firing
Hammer - pushes firing pin into primer
Magazine - ammunition storage inside of firearm
Clip - removable magazine
Receiver - takes ammo from magazine and places it to be fired
Sights - alignment points for aiming
Scope - optical enhancing sight
Scope rings - mount that attaches scope to the gun
Single Shot - one bullet capacity, manually loaded
Break Open - gun opens on hinge
Bolt Action - bolt inside receiver is manually operated with handle
Lever Action - extended trigger guard is opened downward
Pump Action - forend controls internal plunger
Automatic (full) - action worked by the gun and will continue to fire with a
single trigger pull
Semi-auto - action worked by the gun but only shoots once per trigger pull
Revolver - internal rotary magazine the rotates every shot (six-shooter)
Hunting License
Purchase for a calendar year
Anyone can buy
Good for small game
Needed for waterfowl
State and Federal
Hip Survey
Generally issued for access to land
Lots of different ones available
Some require a drawing to obtain
Usually done for big game
Single animal, single species
Over-The Counter (OTC) Tags
Anyone can buy
Unlimited total
Lottery or Draw Tags
Mainly western states
More demand than animal population can sustain
Lottery Point Systems
Preference Point
Issued when unsuccessful in draw or able to purchase
The most points get the tags
Bonus Point
Issued when unsuccessful in draw or able to purchase
The more points, the better the odds but not guaranteed
No Point Systems
Completely random
Leftover Tags
After drawing
More supply than demand
First come, first serve
Previous year’s draw results are published
Lots of info to sort through
Services available to help search
Homework: research what permit and tag opportunities are near you.
Public Land
YOU own land
Land is held in trust by various managing agencies
Read regulations
Federal and State public land
State Land
Every state is different
Federal Land
National Parks - no hunting
National Forests - hunting
Bureau of Land Management - hunting
Private Land
Walk-in areas - government pays for public hunting on private land
Lease - paying for extended time to hunt land
Trespass Fee - paying for short period hunting access
Must have permission to hunt private land
Use any connection to get permission
Find out who owns land (county auditor site, onX app)
Asking for Permission
Knocking on doors
Phone calls
Sending Letters
Kenton’s 2013 letters
92 letters
23 responses (25%)
8 return letters, 15 return phone calls
5 permissions
Introduction, Purpose, Background, Contact
Any property is worth asking
Ask about parking beforehand
Ask about others they know
Be respectful to the land and the landowner
Homework: have a hunting spot lined up before the season
Special guest Kevin Kaltenbach
Started trapping with dad
Progressed to deer hunting with family friend
Shot first deer during first season at age 11
Got a dog to track deer to help his kids
Tracking Dog
Not blood tracking
Following interdigital gland in the hoof
Start with short easy tracks and progress longer and tougher
In Ohio, dog must stay on leash
Other states allow baying
Last Season 29 recoveries on 49 tracks, typically “on leash” tracks have 32% success
Good shots vs bad shots
Double lung hit is what we strive for
Gut shots are easiest to find for dogs, hardest to find for people
Paunch (stomach) hit can take a long time
Liver hit can leave a lot of blood but not necessarily fatal
One lung hit can be survived, very tough tracking job
Don’t take frontal shots, small kill zone
Non-fatal hits may not trigger interdigital gland
Stay away from the shoulder
Back is better than forward, low is better than high
Property Lines
Get permission ahead of time
Trusting a hunter’s word
Keep your neighbors happy
On site
Limit the number of people
Start at hit site
Someone stays at last blood, or mark it
Call tracker as soon as possible
Know of somebody before the season
Hot, windy weather will degrade scent sooner
Moisture is good to a point
Frost can trap scent
Deer have an amazing will to live!
Homework: practice shot placement on pictures
Find Kevin Kaltenbach on facebook or (419) 706-6486
2019 Hunting Season
Lots of turkeys while scouting before season opened
Opening morning chance at two jakes
Hens only from then on
Whitetail Deer
Injured young buck in early season
Missed a doe by shooting the camera arm
Waited for a mature buck that never showed up
20 hunts, 80 deer, 16 bucks
2020 Hunting Plans
Not going to assume it’s going to be easy
Mule Deer
Wyoming Non-resident tag
Not guaranteed a tag but should draw one with 3 preference points
Whitetail Deer
Hunt more often
Have more set-ups ready
Find new properties to hunt
Other hunts
Shed Hunting
Deer - February and March
Elk - March and April
Moose - Late December and January
Caribou - November and December
Check regulations for shed seasons
Antlers are awesome
Learning the land makes you a better hunter
Any antler general shed hunt - prioritize time by focusing on food, bedding, travel
Specific antlers - look everywhere
What to do when you find an antler?
Take a picture when you first see it
Take a close-up picture
Figure out why that antler is where it is
Look for the “matched set”
Don’t look for an entire antler, look for a portion
Use binoculars
Look away from the sun
No substitute for spending boot leather (keep walking)
Homework: Develop you 2020 hunting plan
Special Guest Sara Garwood
Tried Deer Hunting
Too early and too cold
Excited seeing deer
Kenton’s mistakes getting Sara started
Morning vs Evening
Improper shooting instruction
Poor fitting clothing (cold)
What is an upland bird?
Upland habitat birds: pheasants, quail, chuckar, grouse, ect
If a deer sees me in my treestand, is my spot blown or will the deer forget
and still come back to that spot?
Better chance of ruining a stand being smelled than seen.
Older deer remember more than younger deer.
Never good to be busted but not necessarily the end of the stand.
Would the stand be ruined for the season or longer?
At least the season but if the deer is smart enough, maybe for good.
What do you personally do to mask your own scent when hunting?
Nothing if hunting a species that doesn’t use sense of smell.
Nothing if I can’t hunt without sweating.
For deer
Wash all clothing in scent free detergent.
Store all clothing and gear in air tight bags.
Shower in scent free soap
Where separate clothes in vehicle
Change at hunting location
How long does it take to field dress a deer?
Quality before speed
Takes just a few minutes once you know the steps
Don’t be timid
How soon after field dressing do you need to start the butchering process?
The sooner the better
Easier to skin and butcher if you don’t wait
Warm air temps reduce time available
Small game has more time until gutting is needed but less time to butcher
How many babies does a doe typically have in a year?
Whitetails 1 or 2, rarely 3
Mule Deer 1 sometimes 2
Antelope 1 sometimes 2
Elk (cow) 1or 2
Do whitetail does have a baby every year?
No, some don’t get bred
Some lose fawns early
Yes, capable of offspring every year
At what age is it best to shoot a deer? (Age of deer)
No wrong age is you’re not worried about growing older deer
If growing old deer (4+ years old) you can’t shoot young deer
At what age is it best to shoot a deer? (Age of hunter)
Able to operate weapon
Understanding and respect for quarry and hunting
Homework: Submit any more questions you have
Special Guests Zack Martin and Jim Stang
Zack decided on crossbow vs compound
Sighting in a Scope - follow the arrow/bullet
Zack’s First Buck
Kenton encountered him several times in 2017
No evidence of him in 2018
2019 Summer pictures
Broke brow tines between velvet shed and October 8th
Buck moved to where more does are present between October 14th and 19th
Video of scraping October 27th and 28th
November 3rd - buck is following doe in morning
Zack sees the buck chasing a doe and gets a shot
Jim’s Biggest Buck
No previous evidence at all
Equipment problems spoiled a chance at a large buck
Rattled in another buck
Less than ideal first shot but great follow-up shot
No boots, no hat, no problem
Learning to field dress and butcher
Slow and clean at first, speed comes later
Remember the process
Homework Assignment: Watch video of Zack’s buck on youtube channel
The Rut - the breeding season for seasonal breeding mammals
Breeding at one time of year ensures offspring are born at the best time of year for survival
The Rut takes place regardless of any and all other factors but daytime activity can still be influenced
by weather, hunting pressure, ect.
Game animals that experience the rut AND are hunted based on rutting activity include:
Mule Deer
Whitetail Deer
Rut Vocabulary
Estrous - seasonal breeding mammal females are receptive to breeding (in-heat)
Pre Rut - rutting behavior leading up to the rut
Rubs - males rubbing their antlers on trees; used as a territory signpost and to build up
muscles for future fights
Scrapes - males scrape the ground with hooves; used as a territory marker and a
general communication device
Wallows - larger scrape like area where males roll their entire body to deposit scent
Seeking - males looking for estrous females
Chasing - males following a female close to estrous
Fighting - males battling for breeding opportunities
Harem - group of females gathered together for breeding purposes by a male
Lock Down - males occupied with females and less movement is occuring
Secondary Rut - later rut occuring when female fawns grow enough to enter estrous
Whitetail Deer
November in the north, January in the south
Rubs, Scrapes
Seeking, Chasing, Fighting
No Harem so Lockdown is possible
Hunting Pre Rut - waiting at scrapes, rubs
Hunting Rut - getting close to does
Mule Deer
Late November to Mid December
Rubs, Scrapes
Seeking, Chasing, Fighting
No Harem (may look like it) so Lockdown is possible
Hunting Pre Rut - find bucks moving
Hunting Rut - find does
Mid September
Seeking, Chasing, Fighting
Harem when populations are low, territories when populations are high
Mid September to Mid October
Rubs, Wallows
Muted seeking and chasing
Incredible fights when bulls are equally sized
Hunting - find bull and bring in with cow call
Early September to Early October
Rubs, Wallows
Harem gathering
Herd Bull vs Satellite Bulls
Hunting Pre Rut - find bulls
Hunting Rut - opportunities on periphery of harem
Homework: give the podcast a rating
Special Guest Chip Wendt
Owner/Operator of Frink’s Run Taxidermy
Presides over the Ohio Taxidermists Association
Began hunting on his own at age 12
What is Taxidermy?
Preserving Animals
Taxi-moving dermy-skin
Skinning, Tanning, Mounting
Used by hunters, zoos, metroparks, educational facilities
Representation of an animal, memory, experience
Types of mounts
Shoulder mount - shoulder forward
Lifesize mount - full body
Half mount - midsection forward
European mount - cleaned skull
Skull caps - top of skull and antlers
Pre-sculpted mannequin of animal’s musculature
Placement location
Animal appearance
Memory of the hunt
Base of mount that looks like rocks, grass, leaves, twigs, logs, ect.
Accentuate but not overpower
Field Care
Important to quality of mount
Shot placement
Weapon of use
Don’t drag animals with atv
Stop cutting hide at rib cage for a shoulder mount
Time and Temperature
Cooled promptly
Take to butcher shop and pick-up quickly
Freezing is fine but don’t roll up the hide as the hair will insulate the skin
Keep hide (and meat) dry when possible
Mount Maintenance
Keep away from hot windows
Keep out of natural light (ultra-violet)
Don’t put mounts near wood burning stoves
Smoking will damage mounts
Dusting (can use air compressor)
Windex on the glass eyes
Wipe with pledge
Shampoo for really dirty mounts
Take to taxidermist
Part 1: Find out what taxidermists are in your area.
Part 2: Send in any and all questions.
Special Guests Jim Stang and Zack Martin
Zack’s first hunt didn’t produce any deer
Started seeing deer on subsequent trips with Jim
No shot opportunity during first year hunting
Changes from year one to year two
Better gear to stay warm
Scope on gun
Scouting and trail camera
Setting up earlier
Using calls
Starting Archery
Compound vs Crossbow
Much longer season than firearms in Ohio including the rut
Advantage of going to a good archery shop
Very good entry level bows available at reasonable cost
Henry - firearms manufacturer
Ghost Blind - mirrored ground blind used at an angle to show ground cover as
Walker’s Game Ear - hearing enhancement for hunters
Handwarmers - small pouch containing chemicals which give off heat when reacting with
oxygen in the air
Grunt Tube - deer call imitating male deer
Bleat Can - deer call imitating female deer
Rut - mating season for big game animals
Full Draw - having a bow pulled back and ready to fire
Shed Hunting - searching for antlers that drop off an animal in winter/spring
Trail Cameras - motion activated cameras designed to be left outdoors
Velvet - antler covering containing blood vessels for growth that sheds early Sept.
Homework: Start a hunting journal
Special Guests Greg Callaghan and Bob Steele
Greg was unsuccessful until upgrading bow
Bob started gun hunting on public ground and club his grandfather belonged to
Finding Time to Hunt
Can be challenging
Involve family in when possible
Balancing time between kid’s activities (sports) and time in the woods
Make plans in advance whenever possible.
Longer hunting trips on hold until kids are older
Time allocation
Weekend plus 3 days during the rut
Plan around weather patterns if possible
Hunt hard because hunting time is limited
Fall back on gun seasons
Taking Kids Hunting
Quality gear
Take some other entertainment
When they want to be done, the hunt is done
Practice to make an ethical shot
Set-up for success, not failure
Shed Hunting - searching for antlers that drop off an animal in winter/spring
Millennium Stand - two person treestand made by Millennium Treestands
Box Blind - enclosed blind to conceal movement, can be elevated
Plinking - target shooting, usually will small caliber firearms like a .22
Rut - mating season for big game animals
Ethical Range - maximum distance a hunter can shoot to make an ethical shot
Shooting Lane - a trimmed path from a stand to be able to shoot though
Hinge Cutting - cutting down a tree but keeping it alive to provide habitat for animals
Food Plots - crop plantings specifically for wildlife use
Trail Cameras - motion activated cameras designed to be left outdoors
Lumenok - brand of lighted arrow nock to aid in seeing arrow flight and recovery
Homework: Start or continue doing prep work for hunting season i.e. scouting, stands, maps,
shooting practice, etc.
Special Guest Noah Harrison
Began hunting deer during youth seasons
Invitation to start waterfowl hunting
Enjoys calling and decoying
Game Animal Vision
Very important for waterfowl and turkeys
Hunter Orange needed for most big game firearms seasons (check regulations)
Silhouette - two dimensional
Full body - three dimensional, life like
Shell - top half of full body decoy
Realism becoming more important
Game Animal Hearing
Calling - mimicking animal sounds
Mating, Fighting, Locator, Confidence
Calls - Closed Reed, Diaphragms, Friction, Specialized
Calling not used
Decoys used situationally, dressing up as decoy
Camo very important, breaking up edge
Small decoy spreads early but larger spreads late
Looking at real geese to know how to set up decoys
Two goose sounds - cluck and honk
Read the flocks
White-tailed Deer
Camo important but not critical for archery seasons
Antlerless decoys facing away from hunter, buck decoy facing hunter
Three deer calls - grunt, bleat, and rattling
Mourning Doves
Calling not used
Motion decoys very effective
Not decoyed often
Calling used during the rut
Wild Turkey
Head to toe camouflage *do not wear red, white, or blue*
Minimize hunter movement
Be cautious using decoys on public land
Reaping - effective but must know ALL people using the property
Friction calls can be weather dependent
Two turkey sounds - cluck and yelp
Reading the bird, don’t over call
Locator calls used to shock gobble but not move the turkey
Decoys not used
Calling possible but not necessary
Camo not critical as squirrels hide more than run
Mule Deer
Calling and decoy similar to whitetails but they respond less
Camo more important when trying to get close
Camo same as geese, break up outline
Using duck and goose decoys together
Floating decoys weighted to bottom
Motion decoys for ducks but not geese
Diving decoys for diving ducks, puddle decoys for puddle ducks
Two duck sounds - quack and feeding
Whistle for Wood Ducks and Teal
Camo not critical but used in archery
Decoys not used often, white butt equals white butt
Two elk sounds - cow call and bugle
Slough - low lying area that holds some water
Running Traffic - hunting flying birds between their roost and feeding area
Cupped - flying birds cup their wings downward when they commit to landing
Flare - flying birds change their flight path direction to avoid decoy spreads
Homework - choice between looking up antler scores for your area or practicing a call
Scoring big game animals
What is scoring - measuring antlers or horns to get a representative number relative to other animals of the same species.
Why measure and score - started as a way to measure habitat.
Boone and Crockett Club -
Pope and Young Club -
Horns - grown the entire life of the animal
Antlers - grown every year and then shed
Pronghorn - horn with sheath
Scoring Horns - sheep, mountain goats, pronghorn
Four circumferences (mass) per horn
length of horns
length of prong (pronghorn)
Scoring Antlers
A - number of points on each antler (1 inch long)
B - tip to tip
C - greatest spread
*A,B,C are identification only (not included in score)
D - inside spread (spread not greater than longest main beam)
E - abnormal points (typical vs non-typical)
F - main beams
G - typical tines
H - four circumferences (mass) per antler except moose
Animal’s sense of smell
Primary defense of Moose, Pigs, Bears, Elk, Deer
Birds don’t use sense of smell
Clean clothes, gear, self
Playing the wind - staying downwind of animals
Using thermals - air movement changes based on heating/cooling of air
Cold air sinks, warm air rises
Homework Assignment - Figure out which conservation organizations are in your area.
Special Guest Aaron Leimeister
Began hunting as a child
Learned from and with father
TV vs real life hunting
7 years hunting deer before reaching goal
Know where you’re at (read a map correctly).
Pay attention to the weather.
Prepare to lessen “buck fever”.
Have a basic understanding of how to take care of game after being successful.
Pick the right time to have your pants down.
Set a goal and stick to the goal.
Hunting success can only be had on purpose, not by accident.
Expect the unexpected.
The Saga of Buck 52
Learn from the animals you hunt
Helpfulness of online mentor (Mike P)
The differences in hunting one specific animal
Naming animals for convenience
Animal behavior changes in the presence of danger
Decoys have four legs, not six
Foiled by a doe
Trolling - method of fishing where lines are set out and the boat moves around the body of water.
Bowl - (in topography terms) low lying area surrounded by higher ridges or flat land.
Buck Fever - an adrenaline spike caused by seeing a certain animal (different for everyone) that prevents
a hunter from shooting correctly.
Mallards - (Anas platyrhynchos) a common species of dabbling duck.
Trail Cameras - motion activated outdoor cameras used to see where game has been.
Rattle - call made to simulate two bucks fighting.
Grunt - call made to simulate buck vocalizations.
Doe Heat - (estrous) when a doe is ready to be bread.
Deer Score - numerical value attached to antler size.
Homework Assignment
Find out when Hunter’s Education classes are available in your area.
Hunter Orange for big game firearms hunting, moving targets (upland birds, rabbits)
Hunting Regulations spell out hunter orange requirements
Camouflage is very important for Turkeys, Waterfowl
“Layers Make the System Work”
Base Layer - moisture wicking
Mid Layer - insulation
Outer Layer - durability, waterproof but still breathable
Cotton - cheap, lightweight, breaths
Wool - cheap, retains thermal properties when wet
Merino Wool - waterproof
Synthetics - durable
Overlooked but important
Comfort vs Support vs Warmth vs Traction
Thinsulate - the higher gram number, the warmer the boot
Fit is very important for warmth and blister prevention
Rubber boots for standing water
100% waterproof for water deeper than boots
Can keep moisture from getting into boots (wet vegetation or snow)
Snake gaiters are thicker to protect against snake bites
Packs and Vests
Vests commonly used for Turkey (camouflage) and Wingshooting (orange)
Meat Packs (load hauling) - metal frame to carry larger weight of butchered game
Gear Packs (Day Packs) - used to just carry and/or organize gear
Binoculars, Spotting Scopes, Rangefinders
You get what you pay for
Map and Compass
GPS System
Cell Phone with GPS App (OnX)
Knives and Saws
Sharp is Safe, Dull is Dangerous
Various styles and sizes (folding vs fixed blade)
Combination Kits
Game shears
Bone/Wood saw
Flashlight, First Aid Kit, Wind Checker (for big game)
Create Gear List
Special Guest Jim Stang (and Kenton’s dog whining in the background)
Started with an invitation from neighbor
Having a place to go was biggest hurdle
Hunted less when not having success
Field dressing intimidating but not difficult
Tons of archery practice
Started taking a novice hunter out this year
Wear warm clothes
Pick up your feet
“The focus is on the field, not on the phone”
Shotgun - firearm that fires many small pellets instead of a single projectile
Slug barrel - shotgun barrel used to fire a single projectile instead of many pellets
Muzzleloader - firearm loaded from the muzzle end of the barrel, not the breach end
Food Plot - vegetation intentionally planted specifically for wildlife food
Field Dressing (Gutting) - removing internal organs from animal to allow meat to cool
Crossbow - archery bow mounted horizontally on a gun stock
Rut - Mating season for mammals that only mate during a certain time of year
Ladder Stand - Tree stand mounted at the top of a ladder
Tracking - (Blood Trailing) following the blood trail after the shot
Game Cameras - motion activated cameras used to get pictures of animals
Jake - young male turkey
Tom - old male turkey
Turkey Beard - thin, hair-like feathers on the breast of male (sometimes female) turkeys
Gobbles - male turkey mating call
Find and read the online hunting regulations for your hunting area.
Types of Hunting
1. Ambush
Waiting for game at a specific “spot”
Most common type of hunting
Requires patience and scouting
Used on most game animals except Sheep, Goats, Upland Birds
2. Spot & Stalk
Finding animals and moving to get within range
Mainly used in open landscapes
Requires optics and detailed focus
Used on Sheep, Goats, Bears, Elk, Moose, Deer, Turkeys, and Squirrels
*Also used on Pronghorn
3. Still Hunting
Moving slowly through an area trying to find game
Used in thicker habitat
Difficult to do well, requires woodsmanship
Used on Moose, Elk, Deer, Pigs, Rabbits, Squirrels, Most Upland Birds
4. Driving
Coordinated effort to move animals towards hunters
Used in well defined habitats
Fun and requires teamwork
Effective on Whitetail Deer, Mule Deer, Rabbits, Upland Birds
Commonly done with dogs
Bedding - sleeping area of mammals
Roosting - elevated sleeping area of birds
Decoys - device that looks like an animal used to draw animals to it
Calling - mimicking animal sounds to draw animals to it’s sound
Scouting - finding information to predict animal location (maps, tracks, sightings, ect)
Camouflage - blending into surroundings (clothing, vegetation, elevation, ect)
Tree Stands - elevated platform mounted in a tree to hunt from
Elk Bugle - matting call made by male elk in the fall
Turkey Gobble - matting call made by male turkeys in the spring
Optics (Glass) - optical enhancing devices (binoculars, spotting scopes, ect)
Woodsmanship - knowledge of what’s happening in the woods
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